The Party branch of Changde Poetry Society organized the resident staff to carry out the theme Party Day activities in Liuyang

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Changde poetry Society party branch

Organize resident staffGo to Liuyang

Carry out themed Party Day activities

320Day, spring and Jingming。Changde poetry Society party branchOrganize resident staff,在会长周运来和常务副会长、秘书长、党支部书记刘经平的带领下Go to Liuyang市胡耀邦故居、文家秋收起义纪念馆参观学习并Carry out themed Party Day activities。Lu Xiaoping, former vice chairman of Changde City Federation of Literature and Arts, was invited to participate in the event。

大家首先来到胡耀邦纪念馆和胡耀邦故居。在胡耀邦纪念馆,随讲解员讲解和文物文献资料用恰当的艺术展示,再现了伟人胡耀邦光辉的一生,更深切感受到他为国为民的无私奉献精神。The noble character of unbounded loyalty to the party。

在胡耀邦故居有一副对联,Low house can accommodate the moon, high floor does not stain the dustIt is interesting that a visitor changed the couplet two words "short can hold the moon, high does not stain the dust".,这是胡耀邦一生的真实写照。让大家领略了伟人风采,浸润了胡耀邦同志两袖清风的本色。

Then we came to the Autumn harvest Uprising memorial Hall, the memorial hall with time and space as the axis, around the theme of "glorious starting point", divided into "holding high the new flag, opening up a new road, creating a new army, suffering and brilliance" four parts。It objectively and realistically reappears the history of the autumn Harvest uprising, and highlights the extremely important role, influence and significance of the meeting of the army in Wenjia City in the history of the Chinese revolution, the history of the Communist Party of China and the history of the military。

1927919日毛泽东曾在此主持召开了中共湖南省委前敌委员会会议,决定向湘南进军。We looked at the distinctive Liren School and reviewed the process of the autumn harvest uprising。The decision made and implemented by Wenjia City in the Autumn Harvest Uprising was a great beginning to explore the revolutionary road of encirclement of urban areas in China, and had a far-reaching impact on the Chinese revolution。Through visiting the Autumn Harvest Memorial Hall, we learned the experience of the Autumn Harvest uprising, and learned the firm belief of communism and the belief of revolutionary victory of the Autumn Harvest Uprising revolutionary martyrs at the low tide of the revolution。


This special Party Day education and collecting activities seem to "cross" back to that arduous period of time。Let everyone have a clearer understanding of the revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China, so that it is more clearly defined as a member of the obligations and responsibilities。

After the event, all the residents said that they must always bear in mind the original intention of "revolutionary ideal is higher than heaven", integrate the word "lian" of the older generation of revolutionaries into the blood, run through their words and deeds, inherit the clean culture with actions and poems, and forever maintain the political character of pure and clean。


Written by: Lou Dehua

Final adjudication: Liu Jingping

Production: Text 


Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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